3 Recipes for Pre & Post Detoxing

Hello Krush Enthusiasts!
3 day winter vegan meal plan complete! Results? Tiredness – gone. Bloating – gone. A few pounds – gone. Often when 3 days of detoxing ends, we tend to jump right back into our older patterns. But why? We feel SO great, and it isn’t that hard to continue to absorb extra hydration and incorporate new ideas into our lives. With our personal investment of time and energy into the detox, we are determined to carry the results forward and eliminate some unhealthy habits.
Why do we feel so good? Because we ate nutrient dense food, and drank powerful cold press juice for 3 days with minimal stress and toxins burdening our system. We went to bed early, free of alcohol and heavy food. The process of detox isn’t a new one, fasting and cleansing have been around for hundreds of years as a medicinal tool for enhancing health. Dr Bruce Lipton shares research that every 3 days the cells in your gut lining replace themselves. That inspires us. We want to continue replacing them with nutrients that heal and energize. Our food literally becomes us…doesn’t that make you want to slurp up bowls of green soups for days on end? Us too! Here’s what we do following 3 day detoxes:
Hydration: Don’t skip this ever again because when you hydrate, your cells burst with joy :). They need water to do their complex jobs so it is best to start the day with maximum warm water intake. We add our wellness shots to big cups of tea water and we drink up before any caffeine (dehydrating) enters our body.
Follow-Up Meals: It feels really good to eat lightly because our organs don’t have to overwork and food does what food is supposed to do ~ breaks down into its mineral and nutrient components, absorbs into cells and then energizes us! Below are 3 recipes you can lean on when you want to keep it light!

To carry this great feeling forward, we will be adding in some early bed times, a warming epsom bath a couple nights a week, and walks in the sunshine! To avoid alcohol at night we make our cold press juice into a mocktail or sip turmeric and lemon tea. The time will come when we’re ready for a good party, but for right now we are so happy to be aligning with this feel-good journey!
Let us know how it’s going for you! We love chatting ideas and we have options like grocery delivery and prepared foods to help make this easy for you too!!!
Towards great health always,
Fran and Michelle