5 Summer Trends We’re Krushing On
Restaurants on Long Island and Virginia are now allowed to host patio diners…and we are extremely happy about that bit of news! Several weeks back we released these videos to bring you along on our strategic reopen journey. If you missed them, take a peek here.
On Wednesday June 10th, our turquoise umbrellas will be wide open, waiting for our special customers to join us for a chance to dine and shine! The sun will be out and our hearts will be beating with joy as we do what Krush does best…delicious food served to you with LOVE.

Patio Dining Now Open!
Speaking of LOVE, here are some summer trends we are Krushing on these days, as we pursue a life of balance and well-being.
1 – Meditation for your mental well-being, Dr. Joe Dispenza and his youtube meditations are incredibly awesome. 10-15 minutes of other worldly music that brings deep calmness and mental clarity. We share because we depend on experts in their fields to provide balance in ways that are hard to find on our own.

2 – Organic Wine is free of the pesticides that are used by many grape growers. In several of our Organic Krush locations, we carry some excellent choices that may just inspire you to make the switch at home as well. Organic wine has minimal sulfites and therefore does not induce troublesome side effects, nor does it burden your liver with toxins. It’s so much fun to experiment with the all the varieties hitting the market, check out your neighborhood Krush locations RVA, Roslyn, Plainview, and RVC for a glass or bottle of excellent selections.

3 – One Day Juice Cleanses! Sometimes it’s hard to find 3 days of uninterrupted lifestyle time to indulge in our now famous 3 day cleanses. Consider the 1 day: 6 cold-pressed juices plus one small vegan meal, $60; Imagine gifting yourself a dose of hefty hydration, super power nutrient load, and a reset to launch the remainder of the week. It feels so good that we started doing them weekly as a chance to moderate ourselves during quarantine, and renew our healthy patterns prior to all the summer BBQ’s.
4 – Healthy Sunscreen Why would a restaurant care about healthy sunscreen? A huge part of our mission is to serve food and juice that enhances your life and never burdens you with toxins or chemicals. The same goes for cosmetics and personal care and since we are very dialed in to the Organic Market we felt compelled to share healthy sunscreen options. Basically look for sunscreens made from non-nano particles, NOT oxybenzones. PS: for at least 15-30 minutes a day, aim to get vitamin D for kids with no sunscreen on them, as vitamin D deficiency causes so many issues.
Babo Botanicals
Kabana Green Screen
All Good Sport Sunscreen
The above linked website, and Environmental Working Group are hugely helpful in dissecting safe ingredients. (You’d be amazed how many toxins are allowed into a product, and overtime these toxins cause sickness and disease. Go toxin free in as many areas of your life as possible.)

5 – Our new cold-pressed juice, Summer Cooler, is launching very soon. A refreshing hydrating mix of watermelon, cucumber, lime and sea salt, this beautifully colored juice will add the nutrients you need to feel amazing this summer. DYK watermelon has been attributed to cancer prevention and improved heart health? We eat and drink it post exercise to lower inflammation and quickly hydrate our cells. Let us know what you think!(will be released soon!)
To Turquoise Umbrellas and Great Summer Health!
Fran and Michelle