Daily Living During A Fragile Time
Our oldest daughter was only 6 months old during the terrifying times of 9/11. There were so many special lives lost that day. Due to sadness and fear, I remember deeply struggling to determine what to prioritize on a daily basis. The way I got through it was by creating emergency plans and focusing on daily routines that included long walks, making lists of what to accomplish in my day, and adopting a daily meditation practice. A mix of spiritual and physical practices provided some sort of control during an uncontrollable situation.
Here we are at another very fragile time, my kids are now young adults, and I still find myself making lists, taking long walks, and practicing 5 minute meditations throughout the day that remind my brain to stay in the present moment. I have no expertise in meditation – I am still at the 5 minute capacity 🙂 – but I have found the daily practice of it to be extremely comforting and stabilizing. A few meditation “rules” I have garnered over the years are: a consistent quiet space, the power of 10 breaths, no judgement of the process and practicing DAILY!!! When you tell yourself daily that you believe in the power of quiet and routine, it can lead to a more comfortable feeling with what is happening in the world at large (at the bottom of this email I list a few resources).
SO! What does my daily routine look like right now to help find stability?
- Awaken, feel gratitude, drink 2 tall glasses of room temperature water
- Coffee!
- 5 minute meditation
- I review yesterday’s incomplete lists, and then move on to a new list for the day
- Healthy high fiber, high fat breakfast
- Meal planning and prep: 6 people to feed, so many meals in a day!!! The only way to do it well is with a weekly plan! (Krush Healthy Grocery Delivery has been an exceptional addition to our lives!!!)
- Computer / email work until late morning, Organic Krush store visits, commissary juice room prep, and hospital drop offs with my team (to date, we’ve delivered 1,500 meals with many more to come!)
- Late afternoon is filled with catch up on phone calls and collaborations
- A training session, a long walk or some at home workout videos
- The evening is all about cooking, family dinner (amazing!), games, movies and reading! I have loved the books: Shoe Dog, Becoming and Ride of a Lifetime

I guess the reason I’m sharing this is that I believe it matters what we do with our daily thoughts and actions. 20 years ago with the devastation of 9/11, I adopted some daily “survival” strategies that have served me well during this time. As dark and trying as these current times are, my wish for all of us is that we are learning and growing in ways that serve us well for the next 20+ years. The deep lessons I have learned during the last 8 weeks around daily routines, family dinners, and deep breathing are now even more imprinted on my soul as the healthiest of contributors to a balanced life. l would treasure a collective data base where we all share what makes us emotionally and physically well. Hmmm, maybe that’s Krush’s next business plan :)!!
Here’s to much sanity on a daily basis!
Co-founder, CEO