Fuel Up Like an Olympian
At Organic Krush, we really aren’t all about the fad trends when it comes to our health, so when something comes along that really works the wonders it claims to, we feel inclined to share. But don’t just take it from us. There have been studies done on the effect that drinking beetroot juice has on athletes, and these studies have astonishing results: divers could hold their breath for 11% longer than usual after consuming only 2.5 oz of juice and cyclists rode 45 seconds faster over a 10-mile course after drinking a liter of beet juice over six days. Plus, Canadian Olympic marathoners Dylan Wykes, Reid Coolsaet and Eric Gillis all use it in their training and nutrition plans.

So we know the juice works in enhancing athletic performance, but why? Well, beets, specifically red beets, are very high in nitrates. Nitrate is a chemical found in many plants that is converted to nitric oxide (NO), the real magic, when consumed. Increased nitric oxide levels in the human body cause an increase in blood flow and endurance and improve lung and muscle function. NO promotes the supply of oxygen to working muscles during exercise, and the more efficiently your muscles are using oxygen during exercise, the better your respiratory performance and muscle function.
The best part about beetroot juice is that it’s not some weird new fad health food; it is so normal and so accessible. We even have a beetroot heavy juice at Krush! Give our Smooth Sailing cold-pressed juice a try before your next big workout.
Cheers to fueling up like an Olympian this summer,
The OK Team