Gluten Free Living with Organic Krush
Most of you reading this know that our menu at Organic Krush is 99% gluten-free, but do you know why this was so important for us since day one? Our first employee (shoutout Meredith!) has celiac disease. With the goal of catering to all diets and health needs, we asked Meredith what she thought was the #1 thing that was missing from the gluten-free community. Her response: a gluten-free bakery! So, we put a full-fledged gluten-free bakery at the register in each of our stores. This was quickly a hit for our GF and gluten-eating customers alike, helping us to further realize the need for more gluten-free food on our menu.
About 18 million Americans have gluten sensitivity. This is four times the amount of Americans that have celiac disease, but both numbers have been increasing. “There are many theories about why celiac disease is on the rise. It could stem from changes in the way grains are grown or the ubiquity of gluten in today’s foods.” Gluten may not have an immediate negative effect on everyone, but it does have strong ties with gut health and inflammation. Gluten is a protein that is not easy on the gut lining, tending to cause inflammation which leads to a host of other issues. We’ve also learned over the years about the excessive spraying of glyphosate (toxic pesticide) on our crops, which we understand is one of the main reasons that gluten has become so damaging to our intestinal lining.

Being gluten-free has become so easy to follow, and is truly a gamechanger for those looking to improve their digestion. Even if you aren’t sure if you are sensitive to gluten, it really is such an easy thing to take out for a few weeks and see how you feel!” If you are looking to cut gluten out of your diet, turn to Krush for anything you may need.