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Green Scene

In the past 2 years there has been a sharp increase in the amount of plants people are acquiring, but what is it about them that made them so important to people during the height of the pandemic?  Plants are a wonderful addition to many spaces, supporting clean air and brightening things up, but they are also wonderful in the most holistic way.  They can be utilized in cooking healthy meals, they provide various physical health benefits and mental health benefits.  

There is nothing better than fresh herbs.  I love what the addition of a simple combination of dried herbs can do to a meal, but fresh herbs really kick it up a notch.  Keeping a small grouping of fresh herbs growing in your kitchen can really promote their usage and bring your meals to the next level.  Herbs can be used to add flavor to a main course, tang to a dip, zing to your tea or a little something special to your favorite cocktail or mocktail.  Different herbs can help in different ways, including reducing the risk of diabetes, certain cancers, neurodegenerative disease, cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis and aiding in digestion. 

One of my favorite plants to keep in the house, and not just because I don’t kill it, is the aloe plant.  Aloe is wonderful for your skin, but I find it truly excellent for burns and skin abrasions.  Cutting pieces of the leaves can give you the perfect size to squeeze out onto a burn or a cut, and aloe has been proven to work faster than classically used balms.  Having plants can help to improve air quality in your home, and oxygen is pretty important.  Plants can also reduce dust and mold in rooms that lead to allergies.

Overall the most benefits you will get are to your mental health.  Plants are a literal reminder of the nature around us, and can help to ground us.  There is a bacterium in plant soil that was found to trigger the release of serotonin, alleviating symptoms of depression and anxiety.  Plants have even been shown to increase memory retention by up to 20%.  Two things I can’t get enough of, but always need more of, plants can increase your creativity and productivity.

I think what I’m saying is, aside from remembering to water, there’s really no downside to adding some greenery to your scenery.  And from one brown thumb to some potential others, LECA is a great way to make sure your plants have water for longer.  They’re like little clay balls that retain water that the plant roots can draw from.  They’re great for beginner planters, vacations and keeping plants alive if you tend to not do that so well like me.  Whatever works for you to add some foliage to your space, you will not regret what you get!            

by Catie Zimmerman

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