Happy and Healthy Earth Day
Treating the planet well = treating our bodies well
Since the start of Organic Krush, one of our biggest motivators has been environmental sustainability, because of the major impact on our (your) health. Any toxin, pesticide or pollutant that exists in the environment eventually makes its way into our gut and bloodstream. We work really hard to keep these burdens out of the food supply, so that we all have the best possible chance at optimal health. We always challenge ourselves by asking, if we could make a huge difference in the world of organic food production, would it lead to huge positive change on our communities’ health? After years of research, we know deep down that the answer is yes. When you remove chemicals from our food, our health and digestive systems thrive because they are not burdened by toxins.
As the world celebrates Earth Day today, our desire to provide clean, organic meals is stronger than ever! Why does organic farming make a difference? It keeps massive amounts of pesticides out of our soil, and therefore our water and food supply. We are inspired by Dr. Zach Bush, a MD in endocrinology, internal medicine, and end of life care. His comment about the earth is this: “the health of our soil microbiome is the single most potent factor determining how healthy—or unhealthy—we are.”
Once we learned what we have, about soil, health, gut, microbiomes, and the power of organics to heal and nourish, there was no turning back. What if so many of us started to participate in the organic movement that we actually changed the tide of wellness in our world? The simplest way to do it is by starting small. Commit to making the top 10 most consumed foods in your home organic. Try growing one or two veggies in your own organic soil, even if it’s just some summer herbs to start. Only use organic compost, no pesticides on the lawn. Commit to chemical-free household cleaning supplies. This list goes on. If we all take steps in the right direction, our water, your bloodstream, your health, and our planet will immediately start to feel the powerful effects of organic living!
To the healthiest of Earth Days!
The OK Team

For a fantastic resource on truly healthy, living see Grassroots Environmental Education.
Check out Wakeman Town Farm, a local Westport farm, to learn about organics, sustainability, and taking charge of your food and health!