Krush in the Kitchen Recipe Roundup: Week 1

The “Blast” Smoothie
Why we love: Lemon for vitamin C and alkalizing properties; celery as a natural diuretic, skin smoothing enhancer due to liver detox; ginger as antivirus; and green apple for fiber and overall happy gut biome.
Serves 2
- 1 whole lemon, peeled
- 4 stalks celery, roughly chopped
- 1 green apple, core cut out
- 1 inch piece of ginger, peeled
- 2 cups water
Place in blender for a couple of minutes to really break down the celery. Enjoy!

High Vitamin C Smoothie
Why we love: packed with vitamin C, which boosts immunity and lowers viral load; carrots for vitamin A; green apple for its low sugar, high fiber, high pectin properties (plus great for skin!); ginger for its antiviral and antimicrobial properties.
Serves 2
- 2 cups carrots, roughly chopped
- 1 lime, peeled
- 1 green apple, core cut out
- 2 inch piece ginger, peeled
- 2 oranges, peeled
- 2 cups water
Make sure all ingredients are chilled prior to blending otherwise it will be a bit hard to drink.
Blend for a few minutes to break down all the fiber. Enjoy!