Let’s Chat
We moved at the first peak of the pandemic, when my son was only 5 months old. We needed some familial support, and the Universe heard that. Though the move was tough, as most are, the transition has been wonderful. It feels good to be home, there’s just something about Long Island.
Becoming a mom has been a whole other transition, and in the pit of this pandemic, I’m really trying to get to know myself again. With a little person constantly on my heels, I’ve had to learn how to care for myself in a different way. He is my shadow from sun up to sun down.
In the beginning of his life, I was finding myself only taking care of my family and neglecting myself. As he’s grown, he’s begun mimicking his parents. This realization made me question what I was teaching him. There is no perfection, but there is best effort, and I was clearly not giving that.
Every day, I have to make a conscious effort to throw in some self care by reminding myself how important I am. I have to keep my tank full to be able to fill his. I move, we dance a lot, I hydrate, so much water, and I eat as balanced a diet as I can, and with my deep love of chocolate, this is a true challenge.
I have become so mindful of my diet, from cooking with more fruits and vegetables, to including immunity-enhancing foods, and replacing milk chocolate and processed candies with dark chocolate and cacao. I have learned how to multitask personal care and infant care. A face mask can be worn while doing almost anything, books can be listened to while doing almost anything, and fresh air is good for everyone.
I am so pumped to get to share tips and tricks with you, and to help you build the silver linings in your day. The Organic Krush family is warm, knowledgeable and supportive, and you totally belong here. Let’s really get to know each other and most importantly, ourselves!