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Our Joy and Gratitude For You

Dear Krush Enthusiasts,

There are so many wellness topics we want to write about each week, it’s often hard to choose what we want to share in our bi-weekly newsletter. Today’s topic wasn’t on the list, but when it came time to write, the only message that kept bursting forth was one of deep joy and gratitude for you, our companions and customers.

We are a forward thinking company that spends significant time thinking about how to make the world a better place for future generations. But, 6 months ago the world–overnight–flipped upside down, and admittedly knowing nothing about what was to come, we said to our clueless selves, we will stay steady, we will stay positive, we will stay present. Little did we know how much YOU would support that thinking, you would allow us to dig deep into the present moment and solely focus on what was in front of us that day.

You, our guests, allowed this idealistic attitude to help our restaurants to thrive. You brought to us each day, enthusiasm, praise, support & kindness. Is there anything more we could ask for?

When you showed up with a smile or called in your order, when you encouraged us to keep making more wellness shots, to keep ordering those organic groceries, to keep brewing the steaming hot organic coffee…you showed us that together, we were going to weather the scary present, therefore fortifying our future presence in the marketplace. Today our crew of 100+ persons smile when you walk in the door because we know, without you, our dreams to change the future of food wouldn’t be nearly as bright.

So that’s it. Today’s note is just to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for being you, for being our partners and for showing up every day in support of organic food and juice served with a giant heaping of joy.

With Deep Gratitude,
Fran and Michelle

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