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Stress Less

Stress is not a fun emotion to experience, I think most people would agree with that.  Right?  I can’t be the only one that thinks that, just kidding, I know I’m definitely not.  The tensing of muscles, the increased heart rate and, in my personal case, the excessive brain fog.  Stress can be paralyzing at times, but there are ways through it, and getting through it can mean all the good emotions coming your way.  It’s crucial for your health that you deal with your stress to the best of your ability.  This means understanding the negative effects, being able to identify triggers, and knowing what outlets can help you manage it.

Stress can affect your mood, your behavior and your body in various negative ways.  Your body can experience fatigue, headaches, chest pain, stomach upset and disturbed sleep, among many other uncomfortable or life interrupting symptoms.  Long term physical ailments can be experienced as well like heart disease, obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure.  Obviously these discomforts can affect our moods.  I’m not sure about you, but one headache can throw off my entire day, not to mention a permanent one.  Stress causes anxiety, irritability, anger, lack of motivation, depression and so many other feelings that people often wouldn’t choose to experience if they had the choice.  These feelings can then cause substance misuse, overeating, social withdrawal and angry outbursts.  Ugh, so many lists, but so important to see the poor effects of stress on our overall well being.

Now let’s talk about triggers.  These are very personal and only we can identify our own triggers effectively.  For me, chest tightening is an automatic pre-anxiety sign; I’ve obviously been introduced to something stressful and so my body is reacting before my brain is even aware.  I try to lean into that tightening, to really take a moment to check in and identify what caused it.  Breathe.  Let that breath fill up my lungs and really take stock of that moment to clarify my feelings.  Then I let my rational brain and my emotional brain have a conversation.  This allows me a moment to cool off and acknowledge that this too shall pass.  Make sure to listen to your body, your body will help you identify what triggers it.  Taking note of this will help you catch stress at its roots and rip those suckers out.   

The most important piece of managing this stress is movement.  Movement is medicine.  Inactive stress management techniques such as endless phone scrolling, binging television and couch potato-ing, have been proven to actually increase stress over time.  Activities as simple as walking, laughing, deep breathing and spending time with loved ones can be excellent ways to prevent and work through stress.  Regular aerobic activity is the real key.  This can be your best defense for the negative hormones produced by stress.  Exercise has been proven to reduce these negative hormones and produce positive hormones in their place.  You can literally trade the bad for the good, so why not?   

Stress - man drowning in the ocean - Organic Krush
Photo by nikko macaspac on Unsplash      
Stress releases cortisol into the body.  This hormone can suppress the reproductive system, growth processes and the digestive system, and alter immune system responses.  On top of that, it messes with blood glucose and triggers fear responses in the brain.  Aerobic exercise reduces cortisol and pumps your body full of endorphins, which are natural mood elevators and pain killers.  Plus, in the words of Elle Woods, “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don’t shoot their husbands, they just don’t.”  So, in summation, if you don’t want to kill your loved one(s), don’t let stress get the better of you and make sure you move your body.  Just kidding, well kind of.  I’m totally not worried about the murder part, but I am worried about how stress is affecting your health and you should be too.  Take the steps to keep those endorphins lifting your mood and busting that cortisol.  Take the steps to take care of yourself, no matter who tries to mess with your peace.

by Catie Zimmerman

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