Summer Breakfast
Here at Krush we like to use the summer months to establish new eating habits and recipe ideas. During the year it is easy to get stuck in the same old patterns, eating the same few meals everyday, especially breakfast. Summer is the perfect time of year to fill your body with seasonal produce and nutrient packed meals. Wake up, watch the sunrise…or hit snooze a few extra times, then hit the kitchen! Make yourself a nice big breakfast and eat it outside in the sunshine! We want to share some of our favorite breakfasts to enjoy when we have some extra time in the morning.
1. Avocado toast is crunchy, hearty, satisfying and full of healthy fats. We like to use a gluten-free bread, as we find them to be lighter so that we don’t feel weighed down after eating them. Udi’s makes some great options! For our own at home version, we sometimes like to skip the eggs. Instead we top the toast with hemp seeds, raisins, and sauteed kale. Other days, we do roasted tomatoes with cilantro. When you make this at home (so easy!), try your own unique creation! My personal favorite: toasted gluten free bread, olive oil, smashed avocado, diced apricots or figs, hemp seeds and fresh basil and cilantro!

2. A sauteed veggie scramble or hash is a super filling, nutrient dense, versatile breakfast option. Sautee all of your favorite vegetables (you can also prepare this in bulk or buy chopped organic vegetables from Whole Foods), throw an egg on top and voila!
Our preferred at-home way to roast veggies in bulk:
Turn oven to 400 degrees, chop vegetables into small pieces (broccoli, sweet potato, cauliflower, and zucchini)
Throw into a bowl all together and toss with olive oil and sea salt
Roast on a tray for 20-30 minutes (broccoli cooks more quickly than sweet potato)

3. Toasted Pagel: You know what they say, “Once you go Pagel, you’ll never go bagel! “ Pagels are made from cassava flour, which is a root vegetable, so they contain no gluten or dairy and they are PV (paleo vegan) certified! You can buy them from us at Organic Krush or order them straight from the Pagel’s amazing website! We love to toast ours, slather in almond butter, and slice up some bananas, but they are also amazing as an egg sandwich, avocado toast or with your usual bagel toppings.

4. If you wake up hungry and ready for a real savory meal, a warm bowl of bone broth filled with protein and veggies might just be the perfect breakfast for you. You can even throw in the same roasted vegetables you prepared for the eggs! While it may sound strange to eat soup for breakfast, it is such a great way to nourish without loading yourself down.

Breakfast really does set the tone for the rest of the day. If you make healthy decisions at breakfast, the rest of the day starts to fall into place. One good decision after the next leads to a really healthy happy day!