Though this is incredibly disciplined and noteworthy, it is not for everyone. Water is imperative for all bodily functions, and while we are made up of at least
60% water, it is important to note that we are the key to replenishing that water supply. The brain and the heart are 73% water, the lungs are 83%, the skin 63%, and the muscles and kidney are 79% water. Hello, super important people. But what is the right amount of water? There is such a thing as overhydration, which could happen if you prescribe to the Brady method. The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
states that men should drink about 15.5 cups per day and for women it should be about 11.5 cups a day. This should be modified depending on exercise, pregnancy, overall health and environment, but if you rarely feel thirsty and your urine is light yellow or colorless, you can be sure you are intaking appropriately.
Increasing your mobility and flexibility can enhance your workout goals and improve your overall well being. While any stretching is a great way to improve your flexibility, dynamic stretching or stretching through a movement can be even more beneficial. Dynamic stretching allows for your muscles to go through full ranges of motion, and can provide better mobility in the movements of your workout or daily life. Healthline outlines five basic exercises that can increase flexibility, which are ankle mobility, walking hip openers, thoracic spine windmills on the floor, shoulder pass-throughs, and neck half circles. You may find that you have soreness in certain muscles more than others, and seeking out the correct stretches is an important way to ease that soreness.