Krush Community Interview with Catherine Cabano
Founder and CEO of In On Around™, a Holistic Health Consultancy
This Krush Community Interview is with Catherine Cabano, Founder and CEO of In On Around™, a Holistic Health Consultancy. Her mission is to help women ditch the toxins and take control of what goes in, on, and around their bodies. Catherine has been a part of the Krush family for two years and loves to make Krush her home office away from home. We admire Catherine’s passion for organic, whole foods, and for making a long term impact on women’s lives!
Tell us a little about yourself!
Hi, I’m Catherine! I run a company called In On Around™, a holistic health consultancy. I help educate women about personal care products and food products and help them switch to safer, non-toxic alternatives. I also educate about the food and personal care industries as a whole.
How long have you been a part of the Krush Family?
I have been a part of the Krush family for about two years now. I first discovered the Organic Krush Amagansett location in the Hamptons and loved it. Now I come to the Stony Brook location, which I am super excited about! I probably come here every week because I love it so much and it’s right down the road.

I think my favorite item here is the sweet potato tacos. I feel like I could eat them every single day, they’re really really good. I love that they’re organic, gluten-free, and just delicious!
How does Organic Krush fit into your lifestyle?
I love coming to Organic Krush to do some work. Most of my work is online on the computer so I love grabbing a smoothie, hopping into one of the cubbies, and just getting some work done!
What keeps you motivated and inspired?
I think passion is really what keeps me going. I am really passionate about helping others switch to non-toxic products and improve their well-being over time with these simple swaps in their daily routine. I am also passionate about the health industry, the organic food industry, and clean beauty. All of that gets me out of bed every day and makes me really excited to help others!
What is one health tip you would give to people?
One tip I would give is to stick to the basics and keep things simple. Health can sometimes feel very overwhelming, especially online and on Instagram, you’ll keep scrolling and see a ton of different contradicting health information. Stick to the basics, real, whole foods, organic foods, and gluten-free when you can. It’ll make such a big difference in your long-term health and I’m really grateful that Organic Krush makes it easier for us!
Follow @inonaround on Instagram for more from Catherine