We Are Full of Good News
AND 5 Tips for Summer Success
- Our tables are spaced at the socially distanced mark of 6ft apart.
- We have hourly line drills for consistent and constant sanitation throughout the restaurant.
- Our new EMV credit card readers mean no one touches your credit card.
- Our servers, cashiers, baristas and all other staff will be wearing masks.
- We have repetitive hand washing in place for our crew.
- There are temperature checks upon the crew’s arrival to work.
- We now take reservations for our tables, call you local store and give the manager your name and time of arrival and we will save your table ready for you.We are thrilled to have our dining rooms reopening, and we hope you’ll drop in and have a seated bite to eat!
On to more good news…
We like to remind ourselves at this time of year of the healthy habits that help us stay on track for feeling good. For some reason, summer seems to derail people from their health goals, but instead it could be the #1 season for staying in tune with wellness. There is an abundance of fruits and vegetables at local farm stands, the weather is perfect for outdoor exercise, and we naturally have more energy due to extended sunlight hours. So, how to stay on track and not sabotage your wellness priorities? Here are our top 5 tips!
1. Your Stomach Doesn’t Have Teeth – this sage advice makes us smile :). The digestive tract is designed to breakdown your food intake and make the most efficient use of all the nutrients you ingest. It can only do that if you use the point of entry in the way it was intended to be used. Your teeth are powerful, and when you SLOWLY chew your food (some experts say 20+ times per mouthful), it allows for nutrient breakdown and comfortable digestion.
2. Choose Your 5 – friends that is, who will be your wellness buddies to help you stay on track! Why do we have to skip routines in summer? Choose 2 or 3 routines (30 minute walks, online fitness classes, meditations, cooking prep sessions, etc.) and use your collective cheerleading skills to urge each other to stay on track! We are loving the online classes at Gritty Buddha, Absolute Yoga, Mandala Yoga and Flex Pilates.
3. Segment Your Day – I really believe in the power of intermittent fasting, but you need to be knowledgeable and highly committed to a smart plan for IF to make sense. I choose a different plan. I make sure that there are 12 hours in a day when I’m digesting – not consuming. I will eat 3 square meals between 7am-7pm, and during the hours of 7pm-7am, I will only consume water. That way my body can focus on complete digestion without the distraction of added foods. Try writing down a week’s worth of meal planning and sticking to it. Here’s a version I like.

4. The Gut Brain Connection – there is a nerve that runs from your intestinal tract to your brain. The nutrients and messages you give your gut, empower – or disempower – your brain function. Which will you choose? I choose: low sugar, very minimal dairy, no gluten (all 3 are highly inflammatory), and instead add in high fiber, high hydration, healthy fats. This allows powerful foods to rule my gut, which in turn allows for comfortable digestion, satiation, and a healthy, happy brain!
5. Flavorful Hydration – we know how good water is (plumping our cells and allowing them to do their jobs) and in summer months we find it extra helpful to infuse our water pitchers with spices, like cardamom, herbs, like basil, and fresh fruits, like oranges, pears, and lemons. It’s so inviting when you see a pitcher of water with fresh basil and apple slices, and this should trigger you to drink even more water, which in turn helps fight cravings, dampen hunger, and balance your system.
Summer fun is on our minds! We just want to make sure we feel really good while we are having those backyard BBQ’s and beach picnics.
Here’s to spreading love and good news!
Co-founder / CEO