We are obsessed with this ingredient
There are several nut butter options out there that have very few ingredients: almonds and sea salt, peanuts and honey, you get the idea. The problem with most of these “natural” nut butters is they often contain palm oil or another type of inflammatory oil as a preservative or to obtain a desired consistency. It really is hard to find a nut butter that is truly just one ingredient. Even when you do find these rare jars, they somehow all taste different.
At Krush, we are all about sourcing the highest quality ingredients, but we are equally as passionate about how our food tastes. That’s why we are so excited to share with you the most mouthwatering, light, flavorful, creamy almond butter you will ever taste, handmade by Krush with only one ingredient: almonds! We love food that is naturally delicious. It makes it so easy to enjoy getting nutrients into our bodies, and almonds have a ton of benefits.

Just two tablespoons of our almond butter contain 7 grams of fiber, 6 grams of protein, healthy fats and a significant amount of vitamin E, manganese and magnesium. That said, it is essential that the almonds you consume are organic, as the healthy oils in the nuts easily absorb pesticides. Almonds are also very high in antioxidants, and if you want even more nourishment from this powerful nut, it won’t be hard to get- two tablespoons of our almond butter is just not enough deliciousness for us. Stop by your local Krush Gourmet to Go fridge for a 12oz container of our new homemade almond butter! And if digging right into a container of nut butter isn’t your cup of tea, try it in our Pumpkin Spice Smoothie.
To delicious and nourishing snacks,
The OK Team