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You’ve Got This: 8 Immune Boosters that aid our cells
in doing their virus-fighting job

“I wasn’t feeling the best so I tried an Organic Krush cold press “flu shot”. The blend was perfect. It had just enough spice to clear up my sinuses but a sweet pineapple & lemon taste to get it down easy.” ~Nicole M.

Here at Organic Krush we love reading and learning about immunity and the way our systems function to make us well.  It’s empowering to understand how we have an impactful say in our own wellness. We love Dr Josh Axe’s quote: “The amazing thing about the immune system is that it’s constantly adapting and learning so that the body can fight against bacteria or viruses that change over time.”  In our understanding of immunity, there is a cellular response (and then an antibody response) that happens when a virus enters our system.

Our organic food, our cold pressed juices, ginger, garlic, fresh greens and abundant vegetable and fruit selection, along with spices and herbs… all of these things aid the cells by fortifying them to do their immune fighting job well! When your lifestyle is filled with choices that support a healthy inside, you have so much more strength to deter viruses.

Here are some serious immune boosters that aid our cells in doing their virus-fighting job:

Lemons – Crazy high in vitamin C, lemons are so versatile and can be added to your drinking water, your salads, and almost any meal you cook.

Oranges/Kiwis/Berries – These high fiber fruits are loaded with vitamin C and water so you get multiple benefits by focusing your consumption of these fruits! DYK a kiwi has more vitamin C than an orange?

Cardamom – This spice is known to have so many benefits it’s hard to list them all! It’s immune-boosting because it fights off unhealthy microbes while maintaining the good ones; it improves blood circulation to the lungs and improves respiratory health.

Dark Leafy Greens – Loaded with antioxidants that specifically target disease, vegetables like arugula, spinach, kale, and mesclun can be a part of every meal you eat in a day!

Celery – As stated by this resourceful site: “Celery is rich in Vitamin A and C as well as antioxidants. It greatly boosts the immune system and makes it more active and efficient. Eating this vitamin C rich vegetable regularly can reduce your risk of catching a common cold, as well as protect you against a variety of other diseases.”

Garlic – Our special little Flu Shot was crafted with one thing in mind: how do we get the amazing powerhouse that is garlic into our weekly routine? Besides cooking with garlic, doubling down on this fresh antimicrobial, anti-bacterial spice is an excellent idea right now. As stated on OrganicFacts.Net , in the Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, one clove per day may bring a vast improvement in your overall health, while two to three cloves daily could help keep the common cold at bay.

Mushrooms – Due to the way mushrooms grow, they are natural sources of vitamin C and vitamin D and trace minerals, which can be hard to get in our diets; mushrooms cooked have the best advantages as they release their properties when roasted, sauteed, or stir-fried!

Turmeric  – What makes turmeric work so well? Curcumin! This is the main active ingredient in turmeric. It has powerful anti-inflammatory effects and it’s a very strong antioxidant. We like antioxidants because they bind to the free radicals (highly reactive molecules) that float around your body; most functional medicine doctors recommend turmeric as a supplement, as well as regularly adding it into your diet.

Add in a good night’s sleep, a few workouts each week, and multivitamins, and you get a well-rounded, practical approach to controlling your wellness.

We have a lot more to say about this topic of immunity and wellness, and our top 10 tips for staying healthy during this time of illness. Head to our blog to “catch” the tips here!

We raise our glass to your great health!
Fran, Michelle and the OK Crew!

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