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It’s cleanse season at Organic Krush and we personally couldn’t be happier with our results. While Summer was the season of outdoor exercise, BBQ’s, and some over indulgences, Autumn is the time to clean out, detoxify, and boost the immune system for the winter ahead. Cleansing makes us feel light, clear-headed, and motivated for fall! 

When we clear our bodies and digestive tracts of toxins, it more easily allows us to start to lose weight. Our bodies always want to be working to make us healthy. We can make that happen by reducing our intake of inflammatory items like gluten and dairy, processed foods and alcohol. 

When  you participate in a 3-5 day cleanse, it’s not the reduced amount of calories that makes the weight come off, it’s the nutrient density of the juices and meals that flush the system out, thereby lightening your digestive load and purging the extras that gut is hanging on to, 

So, yes, you lose some weight in that process (most people experience 5+ pounds over the 3 days). What we like to focus on though, are the post cleans effects. After you saturate your system with an abundance of nutrients, it’s in your best interest to have a fitness and food plan ready for the following days, weeks, and months. We consider the 3 days of cleansing to be the reset, to then allow the reboot! 

During those 3 days of cleansing, write down your plan– this is your assignment–  for the following weeks and months. How will you space your meals? What will you eat?  When will you fit in 30 minutes of daily exercise? 

While we’d be willing here at Organic Krush to do the work for you, (we consider ourselves pretty helpful people 🙂 it’s really only YOU who can make it happen!  And it’s the most rewarding liberating experience once you get on a routine and find your happy place with food and fitness. 

Here’s a jumpstart food plan to be able to keep the weight off after you cleanse:
8am- turmeric ginger wellness shots or tea
9am- breakfast of GF avocado toast, chia pudding, smoothie
10am- hydrate with filtered water, herbal tea, or green juice
12:30pm– lunch of organic chicken, roasted vegetables, olive oil and lemon dressing
3pm– hydrate with electrolytes or sparkling water or cold pressed juice and fuel with organic energy protein bites
6pm- as often as possible eat dinner in the 6pm range- this gives you plenty of time to digest before bed which is critical to weight loss; dinner of bone broth with salmon, broccoli, white rice, and fresh ginger
8pm- apple before bed if hungry

Fitness studios we are vibing on because they offer lasting impact and genuine community so you see the results you are going for! 

Flex Pilates
Pure Barre
Energy Fitness

To a happy and healthy fall season! xo,


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