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Organic Krush offers a variety of ways to detox, using cleanses and resets as a tool to enhance the detox process, any time of year. One of the benefits we love best, is the ability that a 3 day cleanse has to trigger weight loss and cravings control. 

There’s a science to reduce unhealthy cravings and it involves your blood sugar levels. If blood sugars are not balanced our gut / brain have no choice but to demand input. When we are not in a healthy place, that input comes in the form of the more unhealthy options such as fake sugars like diet coke, sodas, candy, carbs, etc. These choices quickly elevate your blood sugar, for a temporary amount of time, and then your blood sugar crashes again. See the cycle? Now what if you actually balanced your blood sugar by infusing it with nutrient dense foods as well as healthy fats and clean proteins? This allows you to create an environment where you no longer crave unhealthy choices. 

This is where Organic Krush detoxing and cleansing come in. Our juices and food are nutrient dense so they fill your system with fiber, minerals, and extra vitamins. Then your system feels naturally balanced and less likely to crave. If a craving does come up, our recommendation is to reach for a crunchy apple, an avocado, a scoop of almond butter, and then let those choices crowd out the desire for the unhealthy craving. 

This is why cleanses contribute to real weight loss. They teach your system, in a few days time, what is truly balancing and healthy, and provide the tools to put that balance in place in the future. You may lose 5-7 pounds when you cleanse, and if you continue to add a wholesome combination of juices, fats, fiber, and proteins into your new lifestyle, the weight will come off.   Out with the old choices, in with the new choices: healthy fats, fiber, clean protein, bone broth, nutrient dense cold pressed juices all equal deep satisfaction. 

In essence, a 3-day cleanse serves as a holistic reset, helping you break free from cravings, jumpstart weight loss, and pave the way for a healthier, more balanced lifestyle. Order your cleanse here.

Here’s my at home Craver Tamer recipe for juicing; all organic produce is a must because you are condensing an abundance of produce  to drinkable form;

Craver Tamer

  • 6 large carrots 
  • 2 large apples
  • 2 inch chunk ginger, peeled
  • 2 lemons, rind taken off, but feel free to leave the white pith, it has nutrients

Depending on the size of your juicer, the fruits and vegetables have to be cut into different sizes; 

This drink makes enough for two nice sized glasses of juice. Cheers! 

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