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What You Need To Know About Acai

Acai (ah-sigh-ee) is our favorite “new” berry. Okay, it’s not really new; it has been around in the Amazon for centuries and has served as the main component of tribal diets, making it more of a staple food item than a fad fitness berry. Here in the U.S., however, it...
The Benefits of Matcha

The Benefits of Matcha

A year or two ago, matcha was seen as trendy and hipster…now it’s a classic health food staple. Fret not. If you are a little late to the game, we will break it down for you: Matcha is a powerful form of green tea used in Japanese tea ceremonies since the 12th...
Organic Spinach News

Organic Spinach News

Dear Krush Customers: Due to very wet weather conditions, we are having a hard time getting enough ORGANIC spinach for our juices. We refuse to use conventional spinach (highly sprayed) so we have substituted some different ingredients for the spinach in our juices:...

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