3 Recipes for Pre & Post Detoxing
3 day winter vegan meal plan complete! Results? Tiredness – gone. Bloating – gone. A few pounds – gone. Often when 3 days of detoxing ends, we tend to jump right back into our older patterns.
3 day winter vegan meal plan complete! Results? Tiredness – gone. Bloating – gone. A few pounds – gone. Often when 3 days of detoxing ends, we tend to jump right back into our older patterns.
Hosting community members that are professionals in their fields for speaker nights was something we really enjoyed as a way to bring together our guests through education. Fast forward to 2021 and our speaker nights currently come in the form of an interview blog post…
One of my goals this year is to be more mindful, to live more in the here and now. For years I have toyed with, even attempted to add meditation into my daily routine to no avail. I’ve always been a practicing yogi and considered myself pretty zen.
Sometimes I can be a lazy eater. In the past, this has meant a lot of mindless snacking. What I’ve found is with some preparation and light planning, this useless behavior can be averted, or at least, more thoughtfully diverted.
We write this as we prepare for our 3 day detox next Tuesday, and we are so ready. Most people who have experience doing a cleanse carry a similar feeling to us: you just know when it’s time to detox.
Every new year we get excited to plan new ideas as to how to organize our days and weeks with healthy and fun as the main motivators. There are a few “rules” we follow that guide our decision making!