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Interview with Lena Vergas

Interview with Lena Vergas

Meet Lena, our Amagansett Organic Krush general manager; we met Lena almost a year ago, and were so taken by her calm disposition, organized work ethic, and love of people and food! We wanted to know more about what makes her tick, so we sat her down over a cup of wellness tea and asked her some questions!

Veggies for Breakfast

Veggies for Breakfast

I’m not sure why vegetables have never dominated breakfast menus; if you want to take your health up a notch– LOWER SUGAR, ADD FIBER, BALANCE YOUR pH, MAKE YOUR GUT HAPPY…

Avocado Toast with Sprouts!

Avocado Toast with Sprouts!

When I’m going to bed, I start thinking about what I will eat for breakfast; and after I finish my breakfast I start thinking about what I will plan for dinner that evening; and aways with that planning and thinking…

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