Seasonal Ingredient Spotlight: Sweet Potatoes
Roasted with a little oil, salt and pepper; Baked whole and then stuffed; Mashed on toast; Pureed in a soup; Added in baked goods. You name it, and sweet potatoes will show up to the challenge.
Roasted with a little oil, salt and pepper; Baked whole and then stuffed; Mashed on toast; Pureed in a soup; Added in baked goods. You name it, and sweet potatoes will show up to the challenge.
I’m not sure why vegetables have never dominated breakfast menus; if you want to take your health up a notch– LOWER SUGAR, ADD FIBER, BALANCE YOUR pH, MAKE YOUR GUT HAPPY…
When I’m going to bed, I start thinking about what I will eat for breakfast; and after I finish my breakfast I start thinking about what I will plan for dinner that evening; and aways with that planning and thinking…
For me, everyday is always about all the little choices I can add to my diet / life that add up to majorly feeling good! In the last couple of years…
One of the things I’ve realized with my early morning routine, is that the choices I make play a huge part in keeping me on the healthy course for the remainder of each day; this cilantro based smoothie (cilantro in a smoothie????)…