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Veggies for Breakfast

Veggies for Breakfast

I’m not sure why vegetables have never dominated breakfast menus; if you want to take your health up a notch– LOWER SUGAR, ADD FIBER, BALANCE YOUR pH, MAKE YOUR GUT HAPPY…

Avocado Toast with Sprouts!

Avocado Toast with Sprouts!

When I’m going to bed, I start thinking about what I will eat for breakfast; and after I finish my breakfast I start thinking about what I will plan for dinner that evening; and aways with that planning and thinking…

A Little Bit of Yoga

A Little Bit of Yoga

There were years where I practiced for an hour or more each day BUT life is different now; what I have found is that as long as I get 20 minutes day to day, I still get the benefits of feeling calm and stretched out;

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